100% pure Java DBMS


What is a 100% pure Java DBMS or a 100% pure Java database.

A software is 100% pure Java if it consist of byte code only, if it written in Java. There is no link to any native library. Such software can run on any platform / OS which have a Java VM with the needed version.

A 100% pure Java DBMS is a database that can run on any platform / OS with a Java VM.

Many vendor means with a 100% pure Java database only that the JDBC driver is 100% pure Java and that the client can run on any platform / OS. But the correct identifier for such JDBC driver is a type 4 JDBC driver.

The SmallSQL Database is a real 100% pure Java DBMS.

Of course there exists also other 100% pure Java DBMS (alphabetical):

If we have oversee one or if a link is broken then contact us.

100% pure Java DBMS
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